Zoom Through The Bible
We’re reading the entire Bible together! Join us on Zoom every Monday – Friday at 12 noon and/or 6:30 pm to get your reading-in!
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About Zoom through the Bible
Zoom through the Bible is a ministry of Saint Luke COGIC. Birthed during the 2020 pandemic, Zoom through the Bible provides a way for the Saint Luke family and friends to gather, read and/or listen to the word of God. Due to the threat of COVID-19, many people were forced to stay or shelter at home, and as a result, they found themselves with more free time than ever. Pastor Ezra encouraged the saints to use some of this time to read and study the word of God.
Pastor Ezra envisioned the saints reading through the entire Bible by the end of the year 2020. To facilitate this, he created zoom through the Bible.
Because the word of God is living, (Hebrews 4:12) daily reading should not be a cumbersome task. God is the giver of life, and he gave life to His Word (2 Timothy 3:16). Reading The Bible reveals both God’s character and His will for the life of the believer. The apostle Paul reminded the Romans that they should listen to the word of God to build up their faith (Romans 10:17), and he also wrote to Timothy that he should focus on reading the word of God to the believers (1 Timothy 4:13).
Believers today should follow the examples of the biblical church by developing a daily reading plan. Reading the Bible provides spiritual food, strong faith, and a solid foundation.
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